Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Highland
8727 Delaware Street
Highland, Indiana 46322
10:30 am Sunday Worship
in person and online
8727 Delaware Street
Highland, Indiana 46322
10:30 am Sunday Worship
in person and online
You can download the pastor letter and worship bulletin materials using the buttons below.
To watch our service online, use the links below. Live-streaming begins at 10:30 am10 CST on Sundays.
For YouTube Live, visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPh2zjtSFxk2uo9_YWEusCQ/
Please subscribe to the page, and enable notifications.
For Facebook Live, visit https://www.facebook.com/firstpchighland/
It will also be posted later under The About Us Worship tab here on our website.
Permission to reprint/podcast/stream music in these services obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-739456,
CCLI with print license #11390760, and streaming plus license #21397339. All rights reserved.
Our fellowship hall and kitchen are available to rent for special events. Consider this space for a birthday party, anniversary or baby/bridal shower.
For more information, send an email to fpch@fpchighland.org or call 219-838-6850 during office hours (M-TH 8am - 1 pm)
The last Saturday of each month, we will be serving sack lunches to go beginning at 12:00 noon. Cars line up by Door B.
Our mission statement is to be the HEART, HANDS, and FEET of Jesus Christ in the world.