Sackurday sack lunches are served the last Saturday of each month to the community. Cars should line up beginning at 12 noon outside by Doo...
Sanctuary and Online
Join us at 7 pm on March 5th for our Ash Wednesday service which marks the beginning of Lent. It will be in the sanctuary and also streamed...
Sanctuary and Online
Our Wednesday night Bible Study is on Zoom During the season of Lent, Pastor Tyler will be leading this study. All are welcome to join!
Fellowship Hall
We will be selling soup after worship on March 16th. Enjoy delicious soup and support our general fund.
Fellowship Hall
Meeting room in old sanctuary Enter Door D
The Adult Connections class "The Bible in Today's World" meets at 9 am on Sunday mornings in the fall. They will be discussing the book, "...
Meeting room in old sanctuary Enter Door D